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Deepening the Practice:         A Series of Meditation Classes

Next Class: Date TBA


Cultivating Inner Sweetness


Learning the Art of Non-Injury, Non-Judgment, and Compassion

This 4-week class will focus on four essential practices that "quiet the pond," cooling the hot fire of self-incrimination, the unrelenting critic, the source of "I'm not good enough."  It's time to let all that go!


Open to students at any level, but it's helpful if you have had some meditation experience or have taken the Learn to Meditate class with Beth.


"The pearl is in the oyster. And the oyster is at the bottom of the sea.  Dive deep."  






$115, or $95 early bird registration

"Our Lord opened my spiritual eye and showed me my soul in the middle of my heart, and I saw the soul as wide as if it were an infinite world, and as if it were a blessed kingdom."

                 Julian of Norwich

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